Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Cant figure out my mistake with subnetting problems (CIDR notation)

I an given the network ID

and I'm asked what the subnet address of Subnet A is given subnet A has 24 hosts.

I know that 24 hosts plus 2 for broadcast & subnet ID is 26, and that it takes 5 bits to support this many hosts.

I also know that 32-5 will result in a 27 bit mask

This is where I think I'm screwing up... 10101100 00011000 01001000 00000000
/27 mask 11111111 11111111 11111111 11100000
AND 10101100 00011000 01001000 11100000
convert to dec 172 24 72 224

All this leads me to believe that should be correct, but my answer is being rejected. after so many failed attempts, I'm given the following explanation:

Subnet A has 24 hosts, so it will need at least 26 addresses (for the subnet ID and broadcast address). The least number of bits that satisfy this is 5 bits. Knowing that, we take the prior subnet and add 32, the result of which is

I think the detail that I don't fully understand is the part that says, "we take the prior subnet and add 32." can anyone please hint at what I'm misunderstanding? I don't require a full solution. this is not a homework problem. it's from a bank of sample problems I'm using to study.

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