Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Python for Network Engineers: free course starts Sept 1

I periodically run a free course on Python for Network Engineers. The next course session starts on Tuesday, September 1.

The course covers Python fundamentals with a network engineering bent. It is definitely oriented towards beginners.

The course last eight weeks and covers the following topics:
- Week1 - Why Python, the Python Interpreter Shell, and Strings
- Week2 - Numbers, Files, Lists, and Linters - Week3 - Conditionals and Loops - Week4 - Dictionaries, Exceptions, and Regular Expressions - Week5 - Functions and the Python Debugger - Week6 - Netmiko Basics - Week7 - Jinja2 Basics, Introduction to YAML and JSON, Complex Data Structures - Week8 - Libraries, Package Installation, and Virtual Environments

The course format is a lesson a week for the corresponding eight weeks. The lessons are delivered via email and consist of videos, exercises, and additional content.

There is a good chance I will add a Week9 to the course that covers classes, modules, and packages since I have been working on videos about this recently.

About me--I am a long-time network engineer and fairly long time Python programmer. I wrote the Netmiko library and work a certain amount on NAPALM and Nornir. I teach courses on network automation on Python, Nornir, and Ansible.

Sign-up is available here:

Feel free to ping me if you have any questions.

Regards, Kirk

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