Monday, August 31, 2020

New GNS3 install, JunOS Olive running in VirtualBox but gray in GNS3. Anyone know how to fix this?

Hey all. Got a new job, they want me to spin up GNS3 with a JunOS Olive VM in VirtualBox but as the title says I'm having some trouble. I got the GNS3 image here and was able to get it running in VirtualBox, and I was also able to download GNS3 and integrate its VM into Virtualbox, but for some reason the JunOS template I've created in GNS3 is grayed out. I've emailed my team asking for help but thought I'd ask here as well.

I've found some discussions that suggested bouncing the adapters, I tried that, no benefit. I've also seen some threads that suggest changing the server preferences port from 3080 to 80 (or vice versa), however I've got two VMs in VirtualBox (the GNS3 VM and the JunOS VM) and one is working while the other is not ... so I don't think it's the port that's the issue.

I have installed a Microsoft loopback adapter, I can ping the address, I checked "Allow console connections to any local IP address", and I've also tried disabling my firewall, none of these have improved the situation. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

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