Sunday, July 5, 2020

How can i configure QoS for solve this problem?

Hello everyone, i am studying QoS for solve a problem in the enterprise that i work. I read that first i need to mark the traffic the most close of the origin so next what? should i go to the other nodes and configure the policies based on the marks. For example if I mark the traffic based on the ip address and i assign the mark of AF21 how can i use this next? is it necessary to go to all equipments and configure the qos based on the mark or this is automaticaly? 

The problem is that the next week will be introduce traffic for a new service for the enterprise so we hope to this traffic overwhelm the bandwidth of the branches. we are focus to solve this in the core of the network apllying qos because there are a lot of branches and we do not want to apply the configuration in all these but i don know if this is possible. Another option that i see posible is to mark the new traffic how scavenger because this is not important for the business.

 I would greatly appreciate your advice.

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