Monday, July 6, 2020

Business Router

I am looking for advice on a new business router for my small(ish) business.

  1. We currently use an Orbi wireless network and use that router. It functions for us, but I notice that if the router resets it can take 5-10 minutes for the network to come back up. That seems excessive. I'd prefer to just move the Orbi into bridge and use a more business oriented router.
  2. I have about 50 wired connections, 20 wireless connections, 15 VOIP phones on our network. I don't currently have QOS setup for the phones.
  3. We currently have a 300/30 cable internet connections, but I am pending a dedicated fiber line that will be 100/100. I'm still undecided on if I should keep the cable internet after I get the Fiber installed. I would appreciate suggestions that would allow me a dual wan/failover option.
  4. Are my expectations out of line that the Orbi router takes FOREVER to boot up/reboot?
  5. I have a 19' rackmount, and plenty of room available.

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