Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Question: Windows and Cisco Bandwidth Reading

Hi there. I am trying to do some traffic reading on our MPLS circuit and it seems like there's a discrepancy between Windows and Cisco. We were trying to push some files from siteA to siteB using 2 Windows servers going to a single server at siteB. Switch input traffic rate I can see from siteA (dropped the load-interval to 30) is bounding around 24-26 per port so that sums up to around 48-52Mbps outbound on WAN. I have a 60M circuit and shaped it at 60M with overhead accounting of 24 bytes. It's what it says in both outbound rate and policy-map interface that it's doing around that rate and there's a drop of about 500k.

However on Windows task manager, it says it's sending about 30M per server so that sums it up to 60 which is my shape rate.

So is Cisco hiding some overhead? Doing the math based on 24 bytes overhead using the packets per second reading, my overhead should just be less than 1M so I'm not sure how the Windows is seeing 30M each but Cisco router's interface and policy-map counters (including L2 switch counters) match at 48-52?

Any feedback? Thanks!

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