So we just upgraded from our ISP provided router and modem and I've been having a blast configuring settings and tinkering around to get the most out of it.
Recently, I've gone into the world of different DNS servers. I tried speed testing them using the "time dig" command on my MacBook. I tested my ISP default DNS, CloudFlare ( , and Google's public DNS.
I subtracted my query time from my real time and I found that all my actual times for all the test websites I used were all the same +/- 1 ms.
I was wondering, since I did this early in the moring (~2am), could the people in my neighborhood being asleep and thus not using the internet have an affect on this. Should I try at a time when more people are home, like the evening? Or do DNS servers not make a great amount of difference with a decent internet connection.
Also, if there are other variables or things I should be looking at to find the best solution for me, please let me know.
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