Sunday, May 31, 2020

Cheap Live stream CDN .. what server speed?

Helloooo :)

I'm making some streaming conferences with 2 my 1gbps servers that are located in another country (therefore away from the end viewers) and I'm reaching good performance .. 500 viewers per server the maximum i have reached in this setup.

Now, I need to reach 1500 viewers and all need to works in a guaranteed way.. for this reason I need to double my calculation and think that i will reach 3000 and not 15000.

In weeks of jobs I have tested daily the speed from my 2 servers (i have 1gbps speed in my location) and is always around to 550/700 Mbps . Both servers are in the same datacenter, therefore no failover at network/datacenter level (but i love the company for prices and 1 gbps flat traffic politics)

At this point what to do? I work with 6 servers of 1gbps each (calculating 500 viewers per server.. i'm calculating to reach the double of users required) or 2 servers of 10gbps each?

6 server of 1gbps is secure more fault tolerant, but more expensive of 2 10gbps, and with 6 server i can divide the traffic (like 3 in one company and 3 in another)

Which is the better solution?

Thank you.

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