Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Rack Depth Issues - Any Workarounds?

Long story short, new Nexus 9500 chassis turns out to be 10" longer/deeper than the chassis it replaces. Chalking this up to a learning opportunity, I had arranged work to address power needs, logical design and physical cabling, etc. but never considered how much bigger the equipment could be.

Realizing that putting in new racks is not an ideal option, I'm trying to figure out how to make this work best. The chassis are each 400 lbs, and hang out nearly 18". These are going on the very bottom of two separate racks (the patch panel rack is in between). I'm looking at rack extenders and shelving solutions, but this is fairly uncharted territory for me.

How can I make this look professional and safe? If I can't, I'll end up with a new rack at the end of the aisle and back-haul the cabling mess as best as possible. I can't replace the existing racks (parallel deployment).

Boss knows, no one is upset. It's not a consulting gig, just internal. Just trying to make the best of the situation.

After you're done learning or laughing, I'd appreciate any suggestions

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