Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Neighborhood ISP

This is my first time posting here but I have a question on some network related things and thought this was a good place to start. In my area, there is only one ISP (for wired connectivity) and they charge a ridiculous price for a not so great service. For a (much) larger fee I can have fiber run to my home by an ISP on the other end of town offering 1GB/1GB up/down. My question is, am I allowed to split that up into multiple 50/50 or other various connections and charge people in my neighborhood a small, monthly fee for the connection? This would cost me a lot up front but if I take that hit now and most of the people, who I have already spoken to and would be willing to switch if another provider was in the area, were to sign up for say 20$ a month for the 50/50 (which is cheaper and faster, ~50$ for a 25/3 normally) then it would make up for it over time. Monetary concerns aside, would this be legal? I can go apply for a proper business license (my home is already a business address for another side business I do) and register as an LLC but am I missing anything here? I just hate big ISPs preventing others from coming into the area.

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