And here we go again ... 27 MAR 2020 CoD patch is slamming ISP transit connections, at perhaps the worst possible time, with so many at home due to COVID19.
Do Content Producers simply not care about the crippling impact pushing out 100GB updates in the middle of a global pandemic which has entire metropolis populations at home relying on a stable Internet connection and experience?
I support an ISP on an Island (population of approx 1M) with no local Akamai or Verizon EdgeCast servers. Any suggestions? We could rate shape the EdgeCast and Verizon servers we see the content originating from, though that also places other content served from those networks in the penalty box.
Any suggestions for traffic shaping to help smooth delivery out? We have 40Gbps trasit peering BW supporting approx 12,000 customers and have been running full throttle for about 8 hours now ...
Are there any MSOs out there implementing CB-WFQ along with WRED to help prevent real time apps (Zoom, Skpe, gaming, etc.) from being choked out during these console update file transfers?
We have Cisco Nexus switches/routers in our core and I am looking at CB-WFQ and WRED, though wanted to hear any experience from other ISPs who are dealing with this. Thanks in advance.
We've been slammed with 160TB (big B) in the last 12 hrs.
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