I have a location in Dubai with a stacked Cisco WS-C2960X-24PD-L. This switch connects to an ASA 5505, which has a VPN to three locations: My US data center, my UK data center, and our internet cloud security provider (Zscaler). The strangest issue is happening:
From both of my data centers, I can ping, telnet and SSH to this switch, but from the switch, I CANNOT ping anything in either data center. However, I CAN ping anything on the internet from the switch. From the ASA 5505, I can ping to and from everything without a problem including the data centers. I've reloaded and power cycled the switch, checked the logs; nothing suspicious, etc... When I run the sniffer on the ASA and ping FROM the switch, I see no traffic coming into the ASA from the switch, UNLESS the ping destination is a pubic IP.
Anything behind this switch has no connectivity to the data centers, but the internet is fine.
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