Hey guys,
I have been working on a team that primarily focuses on design/sustaining/compliance on a large MSO network, where I have built web apps for hardware configurators, python scripts for SSH and SNMP related activities, and other general utilities to help the front line engineers deploy and maintain our customer network. I’m able to do so because prior to learning to code, I was a network engineer right along side them, so I can quickly help solve their everyday “this is a lot of clicks over and over” type work. So while I am not a classically trained developer, I have quickly made a name for myself as a devops kind of guy, and I loved that tract for the last two years. I wish I would have stayed out of the lime light...
Due to my success with it, they voluntold me I am being transferred away from my engineering team, to a team that is a more formal development team, and while some have engineering experience, it’s more at the data center type level, automating VM turn ups, cookie cutter switches, firewalls, and the like, and almost exclusively with Ansible and Ansible Tower.
They insist on Ansible being the answer to all of my network scripting needs going forward. I know zero about it, so what do you guys recommend as good resources to get up to speed? What questions should I be asking them, or countering them with, prior to assimilation lol. My work is nearly 100% Nokia SROS, MPLS, layer 2, and it seems they do have a SROS Ansible “module”. Any advice and guidance would be helpful!
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