Sunday, January 12, 2020

CCNP Concentration Paths

So first off I’ve successfully passed my ccnp route and switch exam. I’m not going to get to T-Shoot before the Feb deadline.

Additionally I’m relatively new to networking. I was a lab assistant in a ccna college program and studied pretty hard for my ccna and ccnp exams but never worked in a production environment until recently. I just started at a noc as a tech and still haven’t made it out of training.

Would a more seasoned person with some knowledge give me a little advice on the new concentration paths? I know there are a lot of variables and everyone’s experience will vary.

My main goal is to be working towards a growing field. I don’t want to waste my time learning a dying technology or one with little future growth.

That said, as I’m so new, I’m not sure what that is. I know cloud is big so I’m interested into looking at AWS but wanted to first complete my ccnp. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

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