Thursday, December 19, 2019

Sonicwall Min Bandwidth per IP

Hi Guys,

We have bandwidth hogs here in my office and I'm tired of our internet slowing to a crawl. (2.5kbps)

I read once, a long time ago that I can enable a min bandwidth guarantee per each and every IP via a sonicwall rule. But I can't for the life of me find the article anymore.

We sometimes have users upload or download huge media rich files that take days to upload, and for some reason they slow everyone else to a crawl. You would think that the sonicwall would let the other people through too, but I guess since the priority is all equal it just lets the hogs consume it all?

Anyways, there is no way to set a limit on them, because they would use two or three stations, and the bandwidth would still be sucked up all the way. We have 300mbps here and if I throttle everyone to 100mbps they will just use multiple computers to get the max speed, leaving the remaining users with 2.5kbps... each. We have about 20 users here.

So I know we can do minimum guaruntees per vlan, but I wasn't sure if we can do it per IP for each individual person gets 20mbps minimum. So if user 1 is maxing out the 300mbps user 2 will pull 20mbps and then user 3 will have 20mbps and user 4 will have 20mbps and each user will take away bandwidth from user 1 the hog, but when everyone goes home for the day, user1 gets to use the full bandwidth.

I know some of you are thinking just set a schedule, and do throttling per ip and limit, because so many people want to throttle the bandwidth. I think that's super complex and isn't necessary if we can just set a min guarantee per each and every ip of 20mbps. All the bandwidth rules are there, I just don't know how to create an object for each and every ip.

Anyone know how to create a min guarantee per ip on a sonic-wall version 6.5 I think. NSA 3500.

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