Monday, December 9, 2019

Could one make a vendor-neutral SD-WAN-like solution using all open source?

My thoughts are you could pretty easily in theory. You could just use something like Ansible as the Controller server and have a playbook module that would learn the public IP of each router, and build configure IPSEC tunnels to the other routers.

Each IPSEC Tunnel would stand up eBGP neighbors with BFD for sub-second failover.

You could have another playbook write ipsla probes for every route in the route table across each tunnel and dynamically create static routes for each of them on the lowest latency path. (So the eBGP learns all the routes dynamically but then you configure static routes for each learned route on the lowest latency path.). You could probably make a simple formula in python to factor in loss and jitter too.

The only thing would be that the controller has to reach out to the routers and not vice versa. So you have to achieve some level of autonomy here. Maybe incorporate EEM scripts to do some of the stuff.

What do you guys think? I think an open source solution that would work with any router would help keep the vendors honest because it would show a lot of this stuff isn’t really anything new.

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