Monday, November 25, 2019

Wifi 6 Consumer Routers vs Ruckus R720/Enterprise Routers for SMB, 70-100 Employees. (Also small branches, 1 router, 30 wireless clients.)

Former IT department had 3x Asus routers running AI Mesh or whatever Asus' implementation is called that lets them all act as access points. Wired backhaul.

The new IT department, (which I'm trying to transition out of, but was pushed into) is tasked with "fixing the wifi."

With the new advancements of Wifi 6 that can handle many more clients, Is it worth it to go the Wifi 6 router with three, $400 Asus routers, or to move on to something like three Ruckus routers (looks like Ebay has the R720 for about that as well.)

Note: Maximum bandwidth for a single/few clients is also a concern, as the CEO and a few others at times need to be able to do a live video stream to Youtube, Facebook, and one or two other places simultaneously from mobile devices in the same room.

Reading about WiFi 6, are the capabilities for handling more devices only applicable to new 802.11ax devices, or would it bring an Asus consumer router closer to the level of a Ruckus/Ubituity AP that is more capable of handling many users?

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