Sunday, November 17, 2019

Switching ASIC Packet Processing specialization for SWE

I'm a SWE with 1 year experience working at a large network devices manufacturer (think Cisco, Juniper etc.). I'm on a platform team, working closely with the switching ASICs on our ToR switches. I've been getting more work in the areas of Packet Processing and Traffic Management lately, and was wondering if these are reasonable areas to try and specialize in for my career going forward. This requires a lot of general networking knowledge as well as an in-depth understanding of the hardware architecture and specific chip revisions. Pretty much I think this is really interesting stuff but I'm a bit concerned that it might be a bit niche, and that the large investment I made in learning how these systems work in the detail required would only help me if I work for a small group of large networking companies for my whole career.

If anyone with experience in these areas could give some advice, that would be much appreciated.

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