Tuesday, October 1, 2019

SD Networking or Traditional Deployment? Stability vs new features/easier management

I know this is a loaded question but to summarize as much as possible. What does the professionally tech community think is better for the Org? I work for a VAR I have seen many deployments. Some very basic and some very advanced using bleeding edge tech such as Cisco SDA. VARs typically love new tech so they can sell more stuff so to speak. Based on what I have witnessed, I feel that the bleeding edge is cool but typically much more expensive and full of bugs/downtime. Products such as Cisco SDA or ACI promise easier management but when troubleshooting, it almost seems not worth it. They also come with extensive compatibility matrices that are just another thing to keep in mind.

From an IT standpoint which is more important? Stability through traditional/tested tech or newer technology with new features that may be easier to manage?

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