Sunday, October 20, 2019 QSFP-40G-LR modules failing. Anyone else?

We've decided to try out using some off-brand cheaper tranceivers to get away from how absurdly expensive name-brand tranceivers are, especially for 40G LR. However, we've only purchased 12 of these tranceivers and we've already had 2 failures out of the 8 we've deployed.

It wouldn't be so bad if it was the entire link dropping as everything is redundant, but instead it seems like only one of the 4 channels is failing resulting in the link dropping close to 25% of its packets but the switches still deciding to keep this link in the agg. A lot of people in this subreddit seem to recommend the FS tranceivers (and we have a mix of their 1G and 10G scattered around which haven't given us problems yet), so I would think that if these were that unreliable they wouldn't be recommended.

Did we just get a bad batch? Or is this a classic case of "You get what you pay for"?

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