Monday, August 12, 2019

Moving to US for network engineer jobs?


So I am working on my CCNA (Doing the exam this year) and plan to study CCNP fairly quickly after that (On the new 2020 certs)

I work for a large company now and luckily they're allowing me to study during work and soon my job will be 100% network focused. (Did IT support here for 3 and a half years and I've been doing a mix of support/networking for about 6 months but now I'm being moved fully into networking)

My question is, how difficult/possible is it to move to the US (from the UK) once I have my CCNP or even on a CCNA? Would it be better to try and move to the US within the same company or am I going to have to build up a few years of experience in the field first? Thanks.

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