Monday, July 29, 2019

Trouble deciding on WAN edge design

Hi engineers

I'm having trouble deciding between the following two designs for the WAN edge:

  1. WAN aggregation - all intenet/MPLS links terminate on a HA pair of routers
  2. No aggregation - each internet/MPLS link terminates on a separate router

Design 1 is one control plane so it has easier management but the downside similar to stacking is that one control plane error can bring down your WAN or a software upgrade, etc. However, Design 2 eliminates the shared control plane but you have more devices to manage. A failure of one device only brings down that one internet or mpls circuit.

What are your experiences with both of these designs and what devices would you recommend for a 200-user shop? Four branch offices with around 10 users max. I'm currently looking at the FortiGate 100E for HQ and 60E for branches. I want to support S2S IPSec tunnels as well.

Thanks for your input.

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