Monday, July 1, 2019

OS1 vs OS2 fiber

Hello everyone,

I was asked which cable standard we should run between buildings and always knew there was OS1 and OS2, but never looked into it any further. From reading up on it, it seems like OS2 is shielded way better, sitting in a loose tube filled with absorbing gel or another protective mass. OS1 fiber seems to be a tight buffered cable. It seemed like OS2 was recommended for longer outdoor runs.

But now when I checked on the plain and simple cables I usually get for within the datacenter to run between equipment and from equipment to panels, the websites state that they're OS2. That does not seem right. Also, for example has this graphic displayed on their OS2 product page:

This literally shows a tight buffer around the core.

Am I not getting something right here? Explanations and comparisons seem way off from what is actually being sold by shops.

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