Monday, July 8, 2019

nat pools and ospf - cisco - moving from single address to pool.

so i'm using an ASR 1000 with NAT and need to increase the amount of public facing IP addresses.

Right now, the outside interface is OSPF to the upstream router, with a /31. The nat statement has the outside interface as the gig port 0/1.

I'm going to need to add/change to the pool, which is a different subnet.

creating the pool is all fine and dandy. Changing the nat statement should be fine. I'll change it to the pool from the interface.

my confusion comes in with the announcement of the addresses in the pool. When the pool is created, does it announce that pool over ospf to the global table?

I can change the ospf link to .1 and .2 of the /27 and create the pool from say .3-15

I'm really wondering how the global table will know where to find 3-15.

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