Sunday, July 7, 2019

Highest amount of VLANs have you ever seen on a trunk port?

Hi everyone!

I'm currently in the process of designing an ethernet receiver for my FPGA development board.

I would like to add VLAN support to my receiver, but I need some input from people with experience using VLAN tagging in The Real World™.

To make a long story short, I need to know how many VLANs a trunk port is usually tagged for. I'm interested in knowing both the average VLANs / port and the maximum VLANs / port.

I realize that this is heavily dependent on what kind of network you're running, my receiver won't be running at datacenter or T1-type speeds any time soon, so imagine a small business or home usecase.

Note: Keep in mind that I am doing this purely for fun/educational purposes.

Mods: I'm sorry if this belongs in r/HomeNetworking, I just figured people on r/HomeNetworking might not have enough experience to give a good answer to my question.

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