Monday, June 24, 2019

UDP broadcasting

Hi, I’m employed as an AV-technician and tasked with solving a network-related .. “challenge”. My knowledge of networking is far too little to solve this on my own but no colleague of mine has the knowledge, and we need to find a solution.

The case; we’re installing a video-over-ip system, allowing users to share content across the building. They have some TV channels coming in over IP too, broadcasting as UDP-streams. When I use VLC, I can open de stream with their provided URL (UDP://@<ipaddress:port>). However, when I try opening it with our supplier’s system, audio is non-existant anymore on the stream.

After inspecting codec information on the VLC-stream, I saw multiple streams (running at the same time?). Stream0 for example was video, Stream1 audio. I therefor believe I need to disclose the secondary audiostream manually, but I have no idea how I can find the port-number for this second stream. I tried adding 1 to the port for the videostream, but no success.

I tried using wireshark. But aside from not understanding half of what I saw, I couldn’t find any other portnumbers than the one I use to connect.

Hopefully anyone can give me some pointers. If you need more info, let me know and I’ll add it into the post.

Thanks for your time !

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