Sunday, May 26, 2019

Xbox networking issue


Sorry new to this and technologically useless(ish).

I bought a new xbox one s yesterday, got it home, connected to wireless fine, went to a mates, connected to their wireless fine.

This morning I am trying to connect again to my home network as the xbox does not remember previous networks, stupidly, and I am having some issues.

It appears to connect to my router but not fully to the broadband services. Wired works fine so Internet connectivity is there just not on WiFi through the xbox. All other wireless devices are working fine.

I have run through the xbox trouble shooting, and in doing so have tried setting up the MAC address as advised with no luck.

I have hard reset both router and xbox (running through the setup wizard and all that).

Any of you guys experienced this before? I have trawled through the various settings on the router but to no avail but then I am certainly not informed enough to say that I have tried everything.

Pls help...

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