Monday, May 6, 2019

NAC: Radius/LDAP query for VPN User role/resource mapping

hello collective..

Can anyone advise or point to tech article that might give guidance on the following scenario, open to vendor options ;

-- NAC for Segregated VPN solution to Production systems with MFA i.e. DUO or other --

-- Purely AWS Hosted --

I am looking to either import or sync users from our Corporate AD (of which I have no control over), purely to get a list of users - not interested in their group membership or attributes. I want to then use the separate Radius/LDAP system to add the users to our defined groups to aid in user vpn policy/resource mapping so that they get the relevant access.

Currently reviewing /r/pulsesecure PCS/PSA/PSS & SBR, but curious if we can use the existing AD to provide the user list as set out above. As an alternative, I am looking at RSA Authentication Manager also.

Appreciate any input provided.

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