Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Linux tool for TCP data transfer error logging

Hi, this might sound a bit StackOverflow-ish, but they really hate software recommendation questions over there.

Our software at the customer site shows both sides receiving `RST` packets on a previously healthy TCP connection. To rule out our software and show that maybe something in between is doing this, we need to run a simple tool that would:

  1. be run at host A and host B
  2. establish TCP connection between A and B
  3. generate and chaotically send random data between each other (discarded at both ends)
  4. log any network errors they encounter
  5. re-connect on errors to continue the testing

I would write this myself, but the customer would not be willing to trust something that we ourselves would have written. Hence the question, is there such a tool (I'm sure there should be) that's widely accepted in network engineering community?


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