Monday, May 6, 2019

Home/commercial grade 10Gb switches

I've been kind of thinking for awhile about looking into upgrading to a 10Gb home network really I only need it between one computer and our two NAS units. I failed to realize how expensive all of these types of switches. I decently knowledgeable about 1 Gbps networks and switches but no so much about 10. My two Synology 1515+ indicate they are able to do 10Gb so instead of being stuck at just over 100MBps transfers I was trying to see if there is an option that isn't going to break the bank. From what I'm seeing this little project would be at cheapest around 600 for everything. I'm just trying to make sure I'm not overlooking a cheaper option because going from 100MBps to the max on the unit of around 400 wouldn't be justifiable at 600 bucks. This is strictly for home and transferring larger Movie & TV backups so probably only looking for a smaller switch that could support around 4 (3 current devices and hopefully give me the option to upgrade at a later time). Thanks for any suggestions. Its greatly appreciated.

Thinking everything has to be Ethernet as well not sfp+ cables as Synology seems to only be able to utilize ethernet cables.

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