Sunday, April 7, 2019

Software Defined Networking How to get started?

TLDR: Need to learn SDN, unable to use GNS3. Alternatives?

Hi guys, new here. I'm a grad student learning telecommunications. I know the theory of SDN and I've tried to learn how to use it hands on. I've found a bunch of tutorials involving GNS3 but the problem I face is that none of the appliances from the marketplace work on it. I get a "files missing" error all the time. Are there any other softwares I can use? Can someone refer me to some links so I can read more and figure things out? I would also like to mention that I'm in the market for full-time jobs right now and some of those jobs requires SDN and so I would like to have a couple of projects up my sleeve before I apply.

I run a Windows10, Ubuntu 18.04 dual-boot setup. I would appreciate if someone could help me with possible places to find appliances (routers and switches don't need anything else right now since I'm just learning). Can I use Cisco Packet tracer to learn? I did have more doubts before I started making the post but I feel blank now so I'll add edits as and when I come up with more questions.

I would like to point out that I did do my research, reddit wasn't my first option. I checked out David Gombal videos and some Cisco Sandbox videos but considering I'm new to Linux and the sandbox, a lot of things went over my head and I was more confused than when I started out. I prefer to code in Python but by no means am I a great coder, I can write basic stuff but usually am able to leverage the internet to point me in the right direction and get my work done.

Thank you for reading!

Edit 1: Feel like a fool but just figured out that each appliance requires an OS file that I need to find. Trying that now!

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