Monday, April 15, 2019

Cisco WLC DCA Channel-width "best"


In the cisco WLC under RRM category there is an option for Channel-width 20mhz, 40mhz, 80mhz 160mhz and best.

Is the best option reliable? Were Im at right now they use the "best" option and most of the APs have choosen a channel width of 80mhz in the 5ghz spectrum. This causes a lot of CCI, but I've not heard any complains from the clients for a long time so it seems to run smoothly even though CCI is precent.

Channel-utilization and Noice levels are not of any high values so that might be why it opted for 80mhz.

Can anyone explain how the "best" algorithm works? Does a low noise and channel utilization go before CCI in its calculations?
Really curious cause a 20mhz or even 40mhz channel width would create less CCI, but I guess it doesnt matter as much when the channel utilization and noise aint high?

Thanks in advance!

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