I've had nothing but issues using the 16.3.x Denali line. Is anyone using the 16.6.x Everest? If so, how stable is it and how many random issues pop up from using it? According to the official documentation it looks like the Everest line has issues with power. Anyone encounter these personally? I've seen the PoE in previous versions, which usually take a reload to resolve. Thats not ideal, but its better than some other resolutions.
StackWise-Virtual Ping fails momentarily due to GLC-T optics Link goes up during reboots
One member of a stack of 3850 using power stack sometimes doesn't turn on
PoE does not recover after a Loadshed event when using Stack Power.
16.3.x has 12 open caveats, but I'm getting many more than they are reporting. The 16.3.x has major issues with port-security, Mac address reporting in general, memory leaks, along with a string of other bugs that have frustrated the heck out of me.
If you aren't using either of these versions. Which version works best for you and why?
I'd rather focus my day on actual networking projects, not identifying bugs for Cisco with every version they push out. It's really disheartening putting so much of my career into a company that is consistently apathetic when it comes to quality.
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