Monday, April 15, 2019

Bury conduit for ISP to bring Fiber into Business

I work for a company south of Portland OR. The options for ISPs in this area are very slim. The speeds for internet are pathetic. I recently found out there is a fiber line buried about 300 feet away from our property along a roadway. I reached out to the ISP for a quote and they said the price to bury fiber to our building is too cost prohibitive. It's surprising because there are a lot of other companies and homes in the area. They said if we can provide 2" conduit from our property to the road way they can provide internet at a reasonable montly price (confirmed via quote). I've trenched conduit before but this one is a little beyond my ability. Does anyone know of some companies in the Portland area that would have the ability to get this job done for us? Any other information I should know before I start calling around to get quotes to have conduit buried? I know it is going to be expensive and we are prepared for that, the lack of decent internet is keeping us from expanding our business.

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