Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wi-Fi and pending connections on 5GHz

Hi, I'm trying to troubleshoot a weird issue for which from time to time my WiFi leaves me waiting with no apparent explanation. I tried to check the internet connection itself, my DNS resolver, and so on... but I couldn't figure out the root cause. Recently I discovered that the 5GHz bands for WiFi are competing with radar and Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) require the check if a frequency is available and if it is necessary switch to another one. Tests and switches could take tens of seconds... and maybe explain my issues. On the same topic, I'm using the same SSID for both the 2.4 and 5GHz wifi. What are the best practice you suggest to adopt? - Use/Don't-use 5GHz? - Share the same SSID or not? - Use DFS vs Select a static channel? -anything else?

Please let me know what you think. Bests, iV1n5

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