Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Smallish indoor stadium Wi-Fi solutions?

Hey, all. I have an indoor, very high-ceiling, collegiate-sized gymnasium/indoor "stadium" that's being leveraged more and more for hosting larger and larger events or being leased out to outside conferences and trade shows as event space. We had an event with ~2,500 people not too long ago, were not given enough time to prepare (let alone $0), and we had to bend over backwards to get all hands on deck to install a bunch of supplemental APs that hung off the bleachers and have service desk roam around during said event to support people having issues connecting. This was ad-hoc and an unacceptable long-term solution that we never want to engage in again and the Cisco 3702i WAPs we utilized seemed to struggle broadcasting from the height they were at (some ~15 feet, some ~30 feet).

I'm told events of this size are going to be more commonplace in the future and that Wi-Fi is a priority. Does anyone have any experience setting up Wi-Fi in a similar space and could point me in some good directions for some solid solutions I can create a proposal for, to get some funding? Preferably something that could utilize our Cisco 8500 Wireless controller? Do we just get a whole bunch of APs with external antennas? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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