Sunday, February 24, 2019

I just want to say thanks!

I posted this earlier this week:

I had made a huge mistake when logged into our main FW which is our edge for a city wide network.

Luckily the next day, I was able to find a config dating back to 2 weeks ago which only had a couple of minor policy changes in difference. Everything seems to be operational for the most part. I remember beating myself up and realizing it was time to update my resume and clean out my desk but my manager was very laxed about it and told me just to focus on getting things operational. Looking through the comments made me realize that nobody is perfect and fuck ups happen but it is how we react and work to remedy those fuck ups and what we learn and do moving forward that means the most. I know its a cliche thought but you forget that sometimes in a world that works hard to tell you that you must do things "perfectly or else...".

Thanks again

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