Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Firewall / SSL VPN Portal SonicWall SMA Alternative?

We are a small shop in the process of replacing our crusty TMG firewall with hopefully something better but also a solution that helps us meet a long standing requirement / thorn in our side.

Normal VPN access on the TMG has been fine with 20ish connections but we run into issues when providing virtual training. Namely that the end-user receiving the training either doesn't have sufficient access to install software on their PC or their corporate network blocks VPN access or both.

What we'd like is for our new shiny firewall to include a VPN Solution where the end-user doesn't need to install VPN software but instead logs in via a secure web portal where they can launch an RDP session. From what I gather this can be done with a SSL VPN and HTML5 Portal? In practice its a bit unclear how it fits together and if the Windows 10 built in VPN Client (SSTP?) needs to be configured or if just going to the SSL Web Portal is enough.

At the moment this looks like a feature the SonicWall SMA appliances provides but its not combined with a firewall/router so we'd need to also add a TZ500 firewall but we'd prefer an all-in-one solution.

Any suggestions for an alternative are welcome or gotchyas with the SonicWall we should be aware of?


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