Thursday, January 31, 2019

Trying to configure BIND and DHCPD to use IPv6 and prefix requests

As the title states.

My provider is Telstra and i have confirmed they use IPv6 through IPv4, i have managed to configure my pfSense gateway to use Telstra's IPv6 tunnel to get an external IPv6 address and obtain a sub net prefix. I have the DHCP server built into pfSense using that prefix to issue IP addresses to my LAN BUT...

I wish to move all these settings across to my CentOS box that uses BIND and DHCPD to run my IPv4 local LAN and authoritative local domain addresses. Not worried about this right now but, once i get this working locally i want to then configure my external authoritative DNS to allow customers to use my IPv6 to access to services.

All the research i have done has come from posts only as recent as 2014, many were older.

I think i am close to getting bind to work as a recursive IPv6 DNS server but i haven't been able to test it as i haven't worked out using prefix requests to get a local IPv6 address and then have the DHCP server issue that address as a local IPv6 DNS server.

My BIND main config:

My Bind zone config doesn't have IPv6 addresses in it yet.

My DHCPD config doesn't not have any DHCP6 info in it yet either:

I have also tried to add my DUID of my CentOS box to the DHCP6 server of pfSense to assign a static address but it isn't working. this was my plan to initially test the BIND server.

from what i searched down my DUID should be located in the file : /var/lib/NetworkManager/dhclient6-*.lease

Mine is:

and the content of that file is:

so i assume my DUID is: \000\004\204\273\203h\011\243\325\225Y\321e\366\247\217\303\014

but that hasn't worked when i put it in the DHCP6 server to be assigned a specific IP address

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