Thursday, January 10, 2019

ME3400 MPLS / Internet - is qos remarking killing performance?

We are migrating branches to an mpls setup with central internet breakout.

We have "limited" bandwidth available at each branch (100Mbit) and they run telephony, citrix and some other stuff.

The HQ - where im guessing the issue is - have a 500Mbit MPLS vlan, and 500Mbit internet vlan. Traffic runs from the branch via the MPLS into the HQ router (ME3400) and then to our firewall.

The SP are doing remarkings at each branch to prioritize telephony, citrix and some other data that we want to forward before web traffic etc. They then remark return traffic aswell from the HQ.

Now, my thought.

We added two branches at first, everything running well and no issues with performance. Yesterday we added three more branches and they are now complaining about slow citrix performance and phonecalls dropping.

HQ has redundant connections, one is on an ME3400 router, the other is hosted on a much newer box. So im wondering.. is the ME3400 router suffering from the remarking of egress traffic towards the MPLS network?

Can anyone chime in on their experiences with these boxes?

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