Friday, January 18, 2019

A10 Load Balancer - "Expert" Shell?

Hi guys,

I look after a bunch of A10 Load Balancers within our estate and I've got a particular issue with one of them - changed management IP address and there's a static route in the mgmt routing table we can't remove.

I'm told in the first instance I should reboot the thing, but the static route isn't affecting production, just management, so I'm not a fan of this approach. The other option is we've scheduled a WebEx with A10 next week where the engineer suggests they're going to use the "support shell" to remove the route for us.

Now I assume these A10's are just a Linux/BSD box with A10s proprietary shell over the top. The routing config on them feels exactly like Quagga/FRR so that's where most of my assumption is coming from.

On a lot of kit such as their biggest competitor, F5, you can just drop out of tmsh and into the Linux shell and I can break all the shit I want, but it's also widely advertised that you can do this.

Does anyone know of this "support shell" on A10's or if it's possible to drop into the base OS I assume it's built on?

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