Monday, November 26, 2018

Urgent Help Please! Novice "VoIPer" been left high and dry. "Call declined" message on desk phone

Hi all,

As the title says, i am very new to VoIP and need help with an issue that's causing m,y client a whole lot of grief which causes me a lot of grief.

So the client has a My PBX with 4 handsets and the service provider is CallClear, which is a South African company i think. I am in SA as well.

The clients office is situated in a bad place limiting connection options so the internet is a 6mbps download and 2mbps upload line.

On random outbound calls to random numbers they often get a "call declined" message displayed on the handsets LCD. If they try again an hour or 2 hours later it will go through. The inbound calls are fine. I have tried using the VoIP system through an LTE device with super fast speeds and the same thing happens. so its not bandwidth related. I have spoken to Call Clear and they say its got nothing to do with them and everything is goof on theirs side.

So it must be the actual PBX settings? Correct?

Has anyone experienced this before? or have any ideas?

Which settings should be checked on all PBX? Keep in mind i don't know anything about VoIP but i can following instructions and network tasks.

Please help! THANK YOU

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