Monday, November 5, 2018

How to test network automation across large numbers of devices?


I'm a new grad (Computer Science) and got hired as a developer at a decent size company. They placed me on a network engineering team to assist with some automation efforts. I basically know nothing about networking. Learning as fast as I can, but excuse me if I use some networking terms wrong.

The issue I'm running into is that they basically don't have any kind of test environment at all. Sure there's a few devices in a lab I can use to test stuff on, but they're setup completely different than actual in-use devices. The existing team is used to making changes by hand and don't seem to realize how much even a tiny issue or bug can break 100's of devices at once, especially when there's dozens of versions of devices and software all in use.

Are there any good ways to test changes across large number of devices? The only idea I can come up with is spinning up a bunch of virtual machines running the router/switch/etc OS and then copy in the configs and whatever setup to imitate the production environment.

I'm sure this isn't a unique or new issue, but I haven't been able to really find anything about it. Looking for any kinds of ideas or things to read up on.


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