Friday, October 12, 2018

Useful data analysis

I am building a piece of software for an A level project, a network activity monitor and analyser.

In theory the sniffer will detect traffic per day and record it in a file. The data from that file will be displayed on a web-page using d3.js and I am planning on using pattern recognition of that data to detect trends and patterns in comparison with each day and week.

The network traffic I will be using is from my school network. Each student has some kind of internet device and in total perhaps roughly 1000 devices connected to a network in use all day, be it students, administration or teachers

My question is, what is actually useful information to network engineers, I want to use this question and create a success criteria from this. What types of graphs and trends would be especially useful to networking professionals that want to make the networking speed better, or just monitor it. It wouldn’t be a problem if software like this already exists and you find useful as this only strengthens my project by comparing it to software that already exists

Thank you for your help

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