I've been asking You which teconolgy should I use to to give wifi to a B&B and You helped me a lot, so I decided to go traditional and use cables and access points instead of trying to use a wifi mesh solution.
Now with that matter sorted out the actual problem is which/where/how many access points do I need to cover the area? As mentioned in the title is about 4000 square feet, it's an iron structure with walls made by layers of drywalls and mineral wool, to worsen that each room has an iron mezzanine and iron stairs to get there.
- Plan A - The initial idea was to use the common area, unfortunately I can't use the ceiling there, so the AP (1 or 2) should be on one side of the corridor and this doesn't make me feel 100% confident about this solution. Is this a stupid concern or is right to be (slightly) worried?
-Plan B - That is why I was thinking if it was the case of using smaller dedicated "in wall" access points in every room (I was already curios about those and than one of You mentioned them in the previous post and made me even more curious). There are many cons against this solution, complexity of both installation and system and obvioulsy the costs. The main question is will this solution be better and solve me problems or will it be only more expensive and I don't need it since already whit the "Plan A" solution I will be good to go?
I don't know if the link works, this is a small map of the Area where I marked in different colours the ideal (for me) positions for the APs. Any comment about better placements would be appreciated but the green ones (In-walls) are in the only available position.
Last thing, I was oriented to use Unifi Hardware, as specified in the map, Plan A either AC-Pro or NanoHD and for Plan B the AC-IW, if I haven't misunderstood all those models use standard PoE and thus I can use any PoE switch instead of a unity one, will this be a stupid move?
Thank You again in advance!
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