Tuesday, October 16, 2018

BGP route filtering with Microtik

We are switching to Microtik for our BGP router and we are currently using OpenBGPD. Mostly things are pretty straight forward when switching over but there are some differences I can't seem to wrap my head around. For example, we have the following route filters on OpenBGPD:

match from group "group1" source-as AS 1234 set {localpref +150}
match from group "group1" transit-as AS 1234 set {localpref +50}

'source-as' being the rightmost AS number and 'transit-as' being all but the rightmost AS number.

Is there any way to do this on RouterOS? I know you can do multiple rules per chain, but I can't seem to figure out how this could be done.

I'm finding it difficult to find a lot of decent tutorials or anything for Microtik that aren't in another language, so if anyone happens to know of any as well that would be greatly appreciated!

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