Sunday, September 9, 2018

pfSense 2.4.3_1 KVM guest, ping timeout

I installed my first pfSense VM yesterday on a CentOS box. I gave it all 4 cores and 2 gigs of RAM. Disabled Checksum Offloading as per virtio's requirements, rebooted, and the internet worked great. I've noticed though that the internet had intermittent slowdowns. By chance my ping window was open and it showed me the cause: ping timeout. Just to make sure it wasn't a wifi issue, I pinged the next door AP as well (was connected via 5 GHz no noise). Result: AP ping is continuous, no fluctuation, and pfSense has constant timeouts. It seems that ~80-100 ping responses come without problems and then I have 10 timeouts (on OS X mind you, not windows; that would probably be two or three timeouts max).

I've been looking around as to what the issue can be but all I've found so far is the virtio issue requiring that one checkmark.

On the VM, I've passed all four ports on an Intel GbE quad port NIC. Other than start VM on boot I've made no special changes to the VM properties. It's also an old machine so no UEFI, just BIOS. Any ideas?

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