Monday, September 17, 2018

Just overwhelmed...

Trying to find the best way to put this without it being a full-blown rant.

I'm pretty well burned out. My tasks list is a mile long, always being pushed for "Is this done yet?!" while getting more stuff thrown on the pile. Virtually everything is at "ASAP" priority, and I'm still trying to slowly fix some background things to ensure that everything can become more stable. But, most of the time, I feel like the only one who cares about that last part.

I feel like the entire department just runs reactively and any attempts to make this easier are shot down. Mentions of Automation are met with "Job security, though." and dismissed. I haven't even been here a year, so I don't want to jump ship, but how do I manage this? I have plenty of ideas for being able to make the stuff easier, but my biggest hurdle at this point is that I'm so damned tired that having the motivation to implement any of this or make any forward progress on the back-end feels like impossible tasks.

Does anyone have any good ways to battle this, or somehow get through it?

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