Monday, September 17, 2018

Gaming Center with 52 Computers and 15 Consoles

Hello everyone! The title suggests that we're opening a gaming center with 52 gaming PCs, 4 of those are for Virtual Reality and then 15 console stations, each having one of each.

The people involved in owning/starting this up, aren't really 100% sure what to do about our networking situation. We've been told servers are good and servers are bad.. Our own conclusion? Server good!...?

But where do we start? We've spoken with sales people who suggest we spend $10k on a server and bam, that's good to go. We can surely afford that budget, not an issue at all but we want to make sure we're getting something that will work, basically a 4th employee for us.

We are having fiber internet installed (TBA) and currently are getting our electrician in here to start on our electrical.

So details:

Originally we were running the fiber in to a single point, then one cord to each table: total of 12 drops.
That single cable would then connect to a switch and the switch would have enough ports for the amount of computers/consoles on the table.

Basically our games would be stored on the server and then use a program called GGLeap to access them on the computers.

I guess what I'm getting at here is.. Are we correct in going the server route? Should we just get a dedicated computer to be managing all these things? We heard the one cable drop to switch is a big no no but also have been told its a good thing.

I've tried to follow your rules, please don't murder my post :( I'm trying...

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