Monday, August 20, 2018

multicast questions from a n00b

We're running informacast here, which is a product that will hijack the speakers on our Cisco phones to broadcast audio messages all throughout the campus. I set this up 3-4 years ago, never wrote anything down and can't remember anything about multicast. We've just gotten some complaints that these audio messages are starting halfway through the actual message, so if the message was "marry had a little lamb" people are hearing "a little lamb". These people are all located in 2 of the 6 buildings we have. We have one core switch (HP 5406zl) that does all layer 3, the rest of the buildings are all connected by layer 2 VLANs. I did all the multicast config on the core switch which consisted of enabling ip multicast-routing, router pim and then on each voice VLAN enabling ip igmp and ip pim-dense.

Can I get a sanity check here - did I do this right or are there some glaring issues? Do I need to enable anything on these other building switches?

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